More and more people are choosing to start a business from home, attracted not...
Looking for ways to brighten your home is a goal for many homeowners, and...
After investing a lot of time and effort into creating your ideal home...
We all like to think we live in a safe neighbourhood, but burglaries do...
If one of your resolutions for the new year was to renovate, redecorate or...
Are you considering starting a home improvement project? Is there an area of your...
Forget rose petals on the bed and chocolates for Valentine’s Day. My idea of...
Chairs are not just a want but a need in every home. Whether you’re...
Have you ever set foot in a room that gives off such a distinctive...
Houses We Love: Every day we feature a remarkable space submitted by our community...
(BPT) – Billions of people around the world count themselves as soccer fans. No...
Buying a home is probably the most expensive purchase one could make in a...
Are you looking for simple, cost-effective ways to add value to your home? If...
(BPT) – The holidays are the perfect time for families and friends to gather...
What makes a classic Hamptons style home so appealing is the refined combination of...
I realize how intimidating it can be to create delicious, enticing food and set...
Whether young or old, buying yourself a home is an amazing feeling. It is...
The sun is out. The kids are home. Before heading to the beach, spend...